StellaLou Farm is where we live, learn, and share; practice, grow, and love. Our organic perennial and annual food systems, apiary, and poultry provide year-round healthy delicious food for the household and agricultural products to sell to the local community. Our homestead serves as an educational resource and research site for permaculture and regenerative design. Most importantly, we strive to understand how to care for the land and our natural resources so that they will provide abundance for present and future generations.

StellaLou Farm is a homestead that provides physical, mental, and emotional sustenance for a family spanning three generations. With little prior farming experience, we all made our way to this land to invest more in the connection and support of the earth and of family. Learning along the way, we care for the land, the structures on it, each other, our food, many honeybees, icelandic chickens, runner ducks, two goats, two house cats, and two dogs. StellaLou Farm leases the land as a Community Land Trust from School of Living and shares in the organization's goals of learning and teaching about sustainable living practices on the land.