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Bee Cozies


The last couple of days/nights have been cold! Cold! On Monday morning, though it was rainy, muddy, and near 50; the forecast told of an arctic blast that would put the windchill well below 0 degrees that same night. The pending situation had me very concerned for our four beehives that we hoped to, successfully, winter over. I had about 14 hay bales that I stacked up on the northwest side of the hives to provide a wind break…a reasonable gesture but it was clear that it was an inadequate one. I purchased a roll of insulation and bungees and wrapped the hives. The rush job was completed as the temperature plummeted, the rain turned to snow showers, and the wind picked up. We are looking forward to a sunny 50 degree day so we can see if they made it through. We never insulated our hives before but are considering to start making it a practice. If they are just a bit warmer, they will require a bit less of their precious resources to generate sufficient heat, and they might have a better chance of getting through a winter.  Good luck, Ladies!

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